It's so easy to dehumanize or forget about the people in our lives who perform daily tasks we take for granted. Recent articles have shown that Amazon, USPS, UPS, and FedEx drivers can be some of the most overworked, multitasking-centered jobs. They often deliver hundreds of packages a day to people’s doorstep. What can you do to show your appreciation for this work?
Surprise them with a thank you note the next time they are coming by to drop off your packages. During the holidays, leave a bucket of snacks near your door full of water, sodas, chips and snacks with a note to take some. They will no doubt remember your address in the future and be more than happy to come back!
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It's so easy to dehumanize or forget about the people in our lives who perform daily tasks we take for granted. Recent articles have shown that Amazon, USPS, UPS, and FedEx drivers can be some of the most overworked, multitasking-centered jobs. They often deliver hundreds of packages a day to people’s doorstep. What can you do to show your appreciation for this work?
Surprise them with a thank you note the next time they are coming by to drop off your packages. During the holidays, leave a bucket of snacks near your door full of water, sodas, chips and snacks with a note to take some. They will no doubt remember your address in the future and be more than happy to come back!
Health & Wellness